
“Connected hubs in ageing: healthy living to protect CVD function” (CHAngeing) will foster synergies within and between two Excellence Hubs ecosystems in ageing research and innovation-based interventions in Southern Europe, strengthening innovation excellence through multidisciplinary (joining health sciences and social sciences & humanities) and a cross-border collaboration on a common R&I strategy, alongside value adding chains.  


The excellence hub in Center Region – Portugal (Ageing@Coimbra) and the excellence hub in Crete – Greece (FORTH) are quadruple-helix based four stars Reference Sites of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA), and have been recognized by their research and innovation activity in the field of ageing with societal solid impact towards healthy living and active ageing.

Kick Off Meeting

CHAngeing Excellence Hubs was launched in a kickoff meeting hosted by the University of Coimbra (Colégio da Trindade) on January 26 & 27, 2022.

Other Meetings

CHAngeing partners will organize annual consortium meeting in 2024 (Heraklion), 2025 (Coimbra) and 2026 (Heraklion). Additionally, to support dissemination of project outcomes, a high-level advocacy conference will be organized in Brussels (2026)